Friday, December 10, 2010

Skynet Goes Live in the UK

& we thought Terminator was for movies:
May13. Skynet Goes Live in the UK.

Following the announcement of the new Flying-HK-style "Reaper" death machines for the British forces, the prophetic nature of the Terminator movies has been further confirmed.

Not only will the UK MoD deploy airborne cyber-gunships remarkably similar to those in the films, the flying robot assassins will be controlled by an IT project named "Skynet".

"Take for example the capability of unmanned air vehicles. These generate a lot of imagery and that has to be passed over a secure communications link," according to Bill Sweetman, technology and aerospace editor for defence analysts Jane's.

"The practice is to offload mundane traffic on to commercial satellites and then to use a complementary, secure proprietary system for the traffic that has to be protected."

According to Norad the Skynet satellites are hardened against impacts and capable of repelling jamming attacks. And what about those flying hunter-killer robots? They carry 3,750 lbs of laser-guided missles, smart bombs, and JDAM munitions.

And it may not just be the Reapers that are controlled by Skynet. There's no word yet of any plans to cloak Asimo robots in living flesh cloned from large Austrian bodybuilders, but it can only be a matter of time.

Ground control segments for the new system have been upgraded. Ships, planes and land vehicles are being equipped to make the best use of the upgraded Skynet.

US forces to block YouTube, MySpace on DoD network. Say they need bandwidth for killer robots. The US forces will "block worldwide access," to a range of websites including YouTube, MySpace and Photobucket from the unclassified Defense Department internet (or NIPRNET) as of today.

In a widely-reported memo, General BB Bell (commander of US forces in Korea) announced the upcoming blocks. He suggested that the changes were as much to preserve bandwidth as to muzzle critical comment and news-media access. "Recreational traffic impacts our official DoD network and bandwidth availability," he wrote.

~Thomas side note:
(So, eat some toast, watch your Football, order pizza, play Call of Duty, get another war video game, watch some more cool war films & remain asleep as you get screwed by the machine.)

**-This is not a game kids-**

link: last posted (may need update)

Thank you
Thanx to others - Original source: LuNaCy    aka "SyD"

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." -- Thomas Jefferson

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself. -- " U.S. Senator Daniel K Inouye

others sites of interest:

Thanx for droppin by -

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